German below, Deutsch unten!
Jojo island, South Korea has a rampant dinosaur problem, as the following images are showing. All were taken in a dinasour park somewhere on the island. We were chased out of the tour bus, had to walk in a crowd (heads lowered and hands hooked to lower arms Chinese/Taiwan style) and had to tip toe behind the tour guard. No time for questions, sometimes they were manhandling us to assume pre-designated positions at scenic locations. Hurry up! Bus motor is running! No idea what that city was called or where it was.


All photos: Ludigel
You can see pratically only Korean cars in Korea, with sometimes monsterous-looking chrome front grills. Foreign cars are very expensive, have 100% import tax and there seems to be some kind of social stigma about driving a non-Korean car. Korean cars are the best of the world, that's what they seem to think in Korea. Well, of course. Of course. Yes. No doubt. Mei wenti. I like the white one. I also like my Korean fridge. Hey wait, I am a cynical dude at times, of course there are some real attractive Korean cars. Really. Trust me.
[EDIT: Germany needs to sell cars. A lot of cars. So see the statements above in the light of that...]
[Addition] I couldn't understand why the Koreans are growing so many hedges in the countryside, they are where ever you look. Finally I understood, green tea! See images below, also that of the green tea ice.
GERMAN, Deutsch:
Saurier mit vier Beinen und auch vier Rädern sieht man in Korea viel, ausländische Autos gibt es so gut wie nicht dort, wegen Importsteuer von 100% und vielleicht auch aus Prinzip. Endlich mal ein Land ohne Toyotas und das Mitten in Asien!
Jedenfalls bewegen die Jijo-Koreaner ihre Autos auf breiten, sauberen Straßen in preußisch-disziplinierter Fahrweise ohne wildes Gehupe und Spurgehupfe, bravo, da können meine Taiwanesen noch die nächsten 50 Jahre von lernen...

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