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Dienstag, Februar 26, 2008

Returned home from Return home

homepage teichert-online.de( ) , Formosablog(X), Techblog( ), Passado-Blog( )

Living in another country can turn things back home upside down in your point of view

After I returned from my vacation from Germany, which is my home country (I left it for Taiwan in 2004), I was a bit shaken. Prices were so high, not only compared to Taiwan, but also compared to former years in Germany. Chocolate stuff, which I bought mostly this time, was up almost 100%. Double prices really shocked me. It's the Chinese drinking all the milk for coffee latte, that's what the German candy industry is saying. Well, whatever.

Other prices made me dizzy as well, especially if I imagine them in our old currency, the Deutsche Mark (DM) and not in Euro. I mean, before the Euro, 100g chocolate (standard "Tafel" packing) was 1 DM for a good but not excellent medium brand. Or 0.95 DM in Sale.

I can still remember the price reluctantly went back to 0.49 Euro, which is about 1 DM, after it was initally higher, but this year (2008) the standard price was 0.79 Euro. Pheeeeeew! Even saw 0.89 Euro. Come on, make it 0.99 Euro and Germans can imagine, Euro is DM again. No wait, doesn't work. A 50 000 DM annual salary is now rather 25 000 Euro.

TV reported, waitresses and hair dresser ladies often earn 450 Euro a month or 650 or whatever. Imagine paying these prices with that salary. No, it's not only chocolate, a little soft sausage (Ruegenwalder, meant to be spread on bread, delicious!) was 1.98 Euro for 250g, that's almost 4 DM !!!! Horrible much! A french salamy of cheap shopping center brand was 1.98 as well for 250g. I am full already.

TV also reported, a lot of such shop keepers and the like would be betrayed by their companies and not get their paid vacation! Germany was always famous for it's long paid vacations. Almost everybody had 25 days per year and office workers 30. Is Germany still Germany?

Well, I guess globalizing economy makes not so rich people poorer and wealthy people more wealthy. If I would start as a computer scientist in Germany now, my salary could climb but quite a number. Salaries for needed people are climbing, while cheap wages get even smaller.

Still my country? Yeah, but seems a bit like trailer-park Minnesota to me (never been there, sure it has its moments as well).

Montag, Januar 28, 2008

Olympics: Human right acitivist in Chinese Jail

homepage teichert-online.de( ) , Formosablog(X), Techblog( ), Passado-Blog( )

German below, Deutsch unten!


Please check out this article: http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5ieneVYp69VIqRnY4Bk65si4z2tqA

The human rights activists Hu Jia and his wife Zeng Jinyan are in jail (he) resp. in house arrest (she). All they did was to offer tea to visitors in their home and discuss a possible democratization of China with them.
Update: as can be read HERE, their two month old baby is also under house arrest together with its mum. Congratulations, this makes the youngest political prisoner of China only 2 month old!

Quote: "Bizarrely, among the activists now under house arrest is a two-month-old baby girl, who is believed to be China's youngest political prisoner."


Ein Ehepaar hat in seiner Wohnung im "Bobo Freedom City"-Stadteil (also "Bobo Freiheitsstadt") Olympiajournalisten zum Tee eingeladen und die Hoffnung ausgedrückt, dass die Olympiade zur Demokratisierung Chinas beitragen könne. Jetzt sitzt er im Gefängnis und sie steht unter Hausarrest, die Wohnung ist mit "Crime scene"-Bandarolen abgesperrt.
Teetrinken kann in China schon gefährlich sein.

UPDATE: auch das Kind des Paares, gerade mal 2 Monate alt, steht mit unter Hausarrest. Gratuliere! Das ist ein neuer Rekord: der jüngste politische Gefangene Chinas ist nur 2 Monate alt! LINK auf Englisch: HIER

Linke Visionäre, deren Zukunftsvisionen ja durchaus nett sind, bezeichnen oft das System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als nicht-demokratisch und nicht-rechtsstaatlich. Es leuchtet hier hoffentlich ein Unterschied zwischen uns und Staaten wie China ein: China foltert und tötet seine Regimegegner, nur Presseaufmerksamkeit kann sie am Leben erhalten. Sogar die natürliche Volksreligiosität Chinas, Lebensfragen mit dem örtlichen Tempellaienpriester anstatt der kommunistischen Partei zu diskutieren, führt in China zu Lebensgefahr. Anhänger der Falun-Gong-Bewegung werden inhaftiert und misshandelt, oft bis zum Tode (siehe: http://www.flghrwg.net/te/index.php?display=real).

Hätten die Chinesen UNSER vielgeschmähtes System, kämen die politischen Häftlinge HEUTE raus aus dem Gefägnis und ihre Folterer würden verurteilt. Und nein, Christian Klar ist kein politischer Häftling, sondern wegen Gewaltverbrechen inhaftiert. Links verliert man sehr oft den Blick für die Realität, man definiert sich Deutschland als Polizeistaat und vergisst, wie ein wirklicher Polizeistaat aussieht. #


Wenn also bei uns Straßenmusikanten von der Polizei kontrolliert werden (bezogen auf eine Diskussion im Passadoforum), sind wir noch lange kein Polizeistaat. Das musste ich mir mal von der Seele reden !

Gute Nachrichten für Vollschlanke

homepage teichert-online.de( ) , Formosablog(X), Techblog( ), Passado-Blog( )


This is kind of a summary of the original Taipeitimes article (LINK), please refer to the original article. Other posts are in English or both languages, thanks!


Gute Nachrichten für Vollschlanke….

Eben beschwert sich meine Frau, dass ich wieder so viel Süßigkeiten verdrückt habe. Kein Problem, sage ich, bald bin ich schlank, Essen wird von jetzt ab immer teurer:

http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2008/01/28/2003399227 (Englisch). Grund ist einmal, das George Bush (klar, der ist immer schuld) die Araber nicht mag und deshalb angeordnet hat, dass Getreide in Ethanol (vom Volksmund auch A L K O H O L genannt) für die Autofahrer Amerikas umgewandelt wird. So braucht man kein Erdöl und letzteres soll ab 2015 sowieso knapp und teuer werden, um 2038 rum soll es ganz verschwinden, bis auf nur noch unwirtschaftlich förderbare Mengen. Da Essen aber immer rumkutschiert wird, bevor es verschluckt werden kann, stehen magere Zeiten bevor. Wenn in der Zukunft die LKWs, die das Essen herumfahren, mit aus Weizen hergestelltem Ethanol fahren, verbrauchen wir dann am Ende mehr Essen zum Essen herumfahren als wir letztendlich Essen oder, betriebswirtschaftlich formuliert, das Essen an sich wird unwirtschaftlich.

hmmm... lecker .... nimmt aber dem Auto die Tankfüllung weg

Eine SUV-Ethanol-Tankfüllung könne einer hungrigen Familie für 3-4 Monate des Magen füllen, klar, dass das Ethanol dann lieber aus der Dritten Welt importiert wird. Weil unser Essen da aber auch herkommt, bringt das auch nicht viel.

In Mexiko gab es schon Tortilla-Mehl-Unruhen, weil das Getreide heute in Amerika mehr und mehr vertankt wird, anstatt es von den Mexikanern aufessen zu lassen – und dieser Prozess ist gerade erst in den Anfängen.

total lecker, aber unwirtschaftlich

In Indonesien gab es entsprechend Soya-Unruhen, weil die Soyabohne astronomisch teuer wird, weil sie das Getreide ersetzt hat, was wiederum in die Tanks der neuen Alkoholautos wandert.

Außerdem essen Inder und Chinesen mehr und mehr Fleisch, weil sie reicher sind, was auch wahnsinnig viel Getreide und Öl bei der Fleischproduktion kostet. Tatsächlich ist der Schweinefleischpreis in China schon um etwa 40-50% gestiegen.

...allein das viele knappe Wasser (grusel)

Der Mensch der Zukunft wird sich also vielleicht sein Essen in Gärbottichen oder in der Badewanne züchten, aus Kleiekulturen (gentechnisch verändert) aus der Plastikdose, nur Wasser aufgießen; schlechte Zeiten für Heimbrauer. Ach nein, Wasser wird auch immer knapper (siehe Artikel oben).

[Interessiert eh keinen, ich weiß.]

mein Lieblingsneffe: noch kann er reinhauen... doch bald schlank wie Ghandi

Freitag, Januar 25, 2008

Shenme dongshi, shenme subnet?

homepage teichert-online.de( ) , Formosablog(X), Techblog( ), Passado-Blog( )

German below, Deutsch unten!


Job training in Chinese, like this time for the Smartbit network hardware test device, is a real bitch, especially when you don’t speak it really. Well I am trying to learn it, but the similarity of Mandarin Chinese with German baby language talk (“eitschibeidschi, geh schlaafie schlaafie…”, in English: “aytshee byetshee, go sleepy sleepy”) makes it real difficult for me to stay awake during Mandarin lessons or any meetings or job trainings which are in Mandarin. Especially when they are using the word “dongshi” (things) extensively, and they always do.

hen dou Network de dongshi

Subnet…..shenme DHCP….shenme shenme dongshi……shenme DNS, woa gei ni IP-Address, shenme dongshi……. subnet subnet ma? Dongshi …gei woa IP Address!

At that point my eyes are closing, that stuff isn’t really new to me anyway.

In my sleepy mind, the stage was somewhat changed, all these cute girls from the test team were singing

Gei woa IP-Address,

Gimme gimme all your lovin’

Gei woa woade gateway,

Fimme gimme all your lovin’

Loop di loop di loop di loopdiloop

Picture me very sleepy after writing this blog entry with so many dongshis….

la mei (2x) from another dongshi ... um.... company

GERMAN, Deutsch:

In Taiwan hat man gern diese 3-Stunden-Meetings ohne Pause, alles in Mandarin und ich muss meiner Jobfunktion halber dabeisitzen und auf Übersetzungen warten. Ich lerne ja Chinesisch, aber es geht nicht wirklich schnell voran, es schläfert mich ein. Denn Mandarin hat so eine phonetische Ähnlichkeit mit deutscher Babysprache, "ei dschi beidschi, bumm deidei", das muss irgendwelche frühkindlichen Asoziationen von in den Schlaf gewiegt werden bei mir auslösen, denn die obige Babysprache klingt wie eine Erklärung zur Taiwan-China-Frage auf Mandarin. Insbesondere wenn dann noch gerade ein leichtes Erdbeben ist, und Taiwan ist die erdbebenreichste Region der Erde, ist die Einschläferung perfekt.
Jüngst hatte ich eine Testtool-Schulung auf Chinesisch, die mir hinreichend bekannten Netzwerkdetails wiederholend. Da der Vortragende das Thema nicht so gut kannte, verwendete er viel das chinesische Wörtchen "donghi", also "Dinge/Sachen", da gab es dann Subnet-Dongshi und DNS-Dongshi und Dongshi hier und da.
Ich driftete langsam in den Schlaf, in meinen Gedanken sangen die hübschen Damen aus dem anwesenden Test-Team

Shake that dongshi, oh yeah!
Dumm di dumm di dumm di dumm
Gimme a dongshi IP-address, dumm di dumm di dumm
Shake that dongshi, all night long...

And the test team girls go...

Ein Rippenstoß meiner Kollegin (mit der ich auch verheiratet bin), weckte mich ich die schnöde Realität der Subnet-Donghis, mit denen sich der Vortragende gerade abmühte...

leizende Kolleginnen: ist die links nicht im Dongshi.... äh... Vertrieb bei uns?

Pics from company server (gals) or (the boring network sketch) self-made

Dienstag, Januar 22, 2008

Time for a summary

On February 8th, 2008 I'll be 4 years in Taiwan (thank goodness I am on vacation back home on that horror day). Well, after all these years it's time for a summary....


Hey, only kiddin'...

EDIT: originally there was a press photo here showing Kim Jong Il among a lot of soldiers, which I had changed, but I replaced it with my own drawing for IP issues, even if it was changed. This may not be as good as the original pic, but it is my first drawing since my DEGAS days on Atari ST! Worked fairly well with Corel Draw.

Mittwoch, Januar 16, 2008

Unpleasantries in Germany

homepage teichert-online.de( ), Formosablog(X), Techblog( ), Passado-Blog( )

Looking into the German online magazine Spiegel.de I am greeted with the faces of "gangsta rappers" of Arabian origin living in Germany who are part of Arabian family clans making a living with prostitution, drugs and discos, as the article states. http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/musik/0,1518,528782,00.html (German)
I also can read about young immigrants beating people almost to their death in public transport. The reaction of the politicians is divided into two fractions: Conservatives like the Hessian prime minister Koch are using that for a general campaign against all foreigners, which includes the vast majority of peaceful immigrants and even permanent residents, whereas the rather left-wing politicians are bashing everyone who talks about deporting foreign criminals. If you request such action, you are easily blamed a "Nazi" in Germany.
Both political fractions share one thing: they only want to use the violent foreigner fraction for their propaganda, nobody wants to employ any kind of solution.

The view from Taiwan makes this look strange. If a foreigner makes "trouble" here, he easily gets in jail and then deported. A gangsta rapper would be deported after his first MTV video, so to speak, as "a bad example for young people". It has happened to an Afroamerican bisexual DJ shortly ago. Taiwan certainly has an overreaction there, but why does Germany respect criminal foreigners to the extend of tolerating messages of violence and the actual crimes committed by their Mafia-like organizations?

When I was living in Germany I was twice harassed at a gas station in Darmstadt, Hessen. Once by a gang of Arabian-looking gentlemen who insisted I should climb into their car to help them fix it. When I said no, they came closer and closer until I got myself into defense position with a bottle of red wine. A tactical subroutine in my brain planned on taking the first guy out with it and then use the sharp remains for the rest of the group. They retreated.

A few weeks later I was bothered by a group of German skinheads. Obviously Germany can't deport their own skinheads, but kicking out the foreigner gang would have reduced my trouble by 50%.
That's what I mean when I say a rich country like Germany has a right to have its OWN rate of criminals. If you don't deport foreign criminals, you will end up with not only your own local criminals, but also the criminals of surrounding purer (or more violent) nations.

I make sure to have a bottle of good wine at hand when I go home on vacation...

Montag, Januar 14, 2008

EU hand luggage regulations (air travel)

homepage teichert-online.de( ), Formosablog(X), Techblog( ), Passado-Blog( )

Well, I am going home soon on vacation, so I needed to check out this:

Regulations on hand luggage on airplanes in the EU:

It seems the EU regulation stipulates the following (I only found info about the emerging regulation as of Nov 2006, before it was passed):

Max. length: 56cm

Max. width: 25cm

Max. height: 45 cm

This is not much different than the regulation all major airlines were following in the past; some have had a rule of thump which went: the sum of the measures above must not exceed 115. The regulation above allows a larger sum.

Airlines usually change these measures somewhat, for instance China Airlines of Taiwan has:

Max. length: 56cm

Max. width: 23 cm (!)

Max. height: 36cm (!)

And (length + width + height) may not exceed 115 cm !

Max. weight is 7kg.

Valid for all classes, but Business is allowed to bring an additional clothing bag, First Class is allowed to bring two hand luggage.

With China Airlines and also other airlines, it is still possible to bring for free:

1 coat

1 Notebook or 1 duty free pack

1 hand bag or purse

A child clothes bag or whatever that was is allowed also, check with your airline.

LIQUIDS: One website stated this regulation would only be related for liquids and not for creams, but most websites agree it’s for everything, including gels, jellies and creams (also medicine!), so let’s assume that.

Liquids, gels, creams etc. must be packed in a transparent plastic bag (called Zipper) which is re-sealable. It may have a max. capacity of 1 liter. Each liquid or cream (or…) package must be properly closed and have a max. capacity of 100ml (best if stated on the package). Has to be shown at the security check separately.

MEDICINE: Medicine which is needed for the flight duration is excluded, but has to be shown separately to security check.

DUTY free bag: There is a lot of chaos about this regulation right now, basically it’s easy: When your airplane STARTS from a EU airport, no matter if overstop or originating there, liquids from the duty free shop (no matter if wine or beer or whatever) have to be in a sealed bag; it will be sealed by the duty free shop. Do not open it.

If you are coming from out of the EU and are landing in the EU, you can bring and old-style (open) duty free bag (they are still like this in most countries) INTO the EU. But if you transfer to another plane within the EU, you have to throw you alcohol away.

So buying duty free liquids in Dubai and bringing them on a direct flight to Frankfurt, Germany is allowed. Transfer in Germany to a plane to Berlin or Paris will require throwing the alcohol away!

I can not guarantee this of course, maybe tomorrow they will even stop people bringing an unsealed duty free-bag even into the EU. Better to make sure with your airline before you buy.

Donnerstag, Januar 10, 2008

Filter the Web!

homepage teichert-online.de( ), Formosablog(X), Techblog( ), Passado-Blog( )

Keywords: anonymous P2P, filtering, traffic shaping, Bittorrent, anonymous Bittorrent.

Filter the Web!

The world is full of people who want to take away things which are useful. My wife steals my cookies and now AT&T wants to filter the P2P protocol (in the future) in cooperation with the RIAA, the recording industry association of America and their twin, the MIAA, the same for movies and TV.

Now I know I should burn in hell if I ever download TV from home here in Taiwan via P2P and so I never do it. And I know the world would be a darker place without all these mega stars like Brittney Spears (the music industry is in a permanent crisis, both P2P downloads and CD sales are dropping) and it would be a damned shame if instead the gifted musicians in your local pub would sell a record or two, but, being a good citizen I don’t download. I am also not interested in buying CD’s, copy protection (against my legal car-copy) and stuff scared me away long ago (yes, I know there's a way around it, but I'm angry anyway).

But Bittorrent and other P2P protocols are also used for perfectly legal applications. Linux versions (that’s another OS, not Windows), game patches (World of Warcraft, I was told) and even handy little free applications can be downloaded with it (and also fan filmes like Star Trek New Voyages: go for it, they don’t have the real McCoy, but the real Chekov and Zulu). So if you want to download your perfectly legal applications even if blocked by a provider (nowadays there are already providers stalling P2P traffic) or want to go through a firewall which stops you from downloading you Linux kernel (because they want to stop illegal music downloads), here would be a way how to do it: LINK. This also gives you a reasonable degree of anonymity, by the way. Do not rely on any paid services for anonymous P2P, usually they don’t work and just take your money.

The solution involves the Bittorrent client uTorrent and a Sunbelt (Keiro) firewall besides Tor. Note that sending large data volumes over Tor is not desired by the Tor network. A commercial version of Tor which officially accepts P2P traffic would be a nice thing in the future, right now Tor is slowed down by unwanted P2P traffic.

Donnerstag, Januar 03, 2008

Foreigner alarm!

German version below, Deutsch unten


Meeting another foreigner on the streets of Taiwan is often a hassle. How do you react? You can ignore the other Western face, sure. Because you don’t know that guy, there are lots of local people around him (let’s focus on men as I am a guy, the man-woman relationship is more complicated of course), so why should I single him out. Anyway, he is likely American or Canadian and will assume I am as well. Discovering I am not will probably make him think “so, this German guy just greets me because I am Caucasian/Western like him, but we have nothing in common”. Some people even think singling out another Western face would be a racist attitude (see HERE: http://www.tealit.net/cgi-bin/forum.pl?mode=view_thread&thread_id=5917&page=6#top).

But ignoring him is also strange. What if you have to go directly past him, isn’t not greeting him even more strange? If you watch two of these Westerners on the street, you may observe funny behaviour. I have noted (and participated in) most of the following situations:

- Eyes straight, don’t look at the foreigner. Both avoid looking at each other and start to walk kinda stiff zombie-like along each other. Strange.

- Avoid him! Foreigners sometimes “solve” the situation by walking away, turning to the side suddenly to avoid the other “laowai” (as they call us here).

- A short nod! That was my solution for a long time, but I got ignored (having had eye contact avoided by the other foreigner) so often that I gave it up. I prefer to avoid now…

- Say hello! Well, that makes being ignored (happens often) even more embarrassing.

a foreign Bockwurst in Taiwan! Quickly! Escape while you still can...

Wait a minute, the sign says "Barkwurst" (Bellwurst). What did I eat there???

Besides walking a curve or ignoring you, you will also encounter the following reactions when you greet a fellow foreigner:

- Shaking his head, probably muttering in a low voice to himself, looking unfriendly and trying to avoid you. This guy probably thinks I was a racist for singling him out or I would be a newbie to Taiwan not able to talk to the locals or whatever…. And he is much better and much more localized than me, a re-born Marco Polo!

- Shouting back! Some Western folks may actually shout at you, probably even in Chinese. Something like “leave me alone, you weirdo.” If he shouts in English, then this is just a stronger version of the unfriendly response above. If it’s Chinese, he is what people here call a “language Nazi”. It means he is proud to speak Chinese and wants to boast his self-confidence by telling me I am a goddamned naïve tourist idiot who should not bother him. Because he is not like me, he is a real cool cosmopolitan dude, who masters Chinese and is more Taiwanese or Chinese than the Taiwanese themselves (let’s not make this political now with Chinese and Taiwanese), while I am only a dump foreign guest.

- Talking long sentences in Chinese, very fast to avoid me understanding anything. With a voice as if talking to a child. Well, that’s just another language-Nazi.

And then…. The guy you meet may turn out to be friendly and talkative. In that case, he is a Mormon missionary J (there are plenty here).

Summing it up, I avoid foreigners in Taiwan. Stay away you weirdos! Hey you there, don’t COME CLOSE. STAY AWAY. GO! Why to you approach me. Go away you asshat! …


GERMAN, Deutsch:

Komische Ausländer sind immer nur die anderen, das ist klar. Wenn man hier als "Westler" in Taiwan einen anderen Westler (Laowai von den Inländern genannt) trifft, dann finden manchmal merkwürdige Dinge statt. Eigentlich sollte es ganz einfach sein, aber wenn z.B. meine Frau und ich in einem Fahrstuhl sind, indem außer uns noch ein Ausländer mit Frau und 4 Kindern und Onkel und Tante stehen und sie mich lauthals auffordert, doch "Hallo" zu sagen, dann ist das schnell peinlich. Insbesondere wenn der andere Ausländer sich die größte Mühe gibt, seine Schuhspitzen oder die Decke anzuschauen (wieso eigentlich?).

Wenn ich einen anderen Ausländer auf der Straße getroffen habe, wollte ich ihm einfach kurz zunicken und fertig. Nach einiger Zeit aber habe ich es gelassen, entweder wird man ignoriert, erntet verwirrte oder ärgerliche Blicke oder der andere keift einen gar in perfekten Mandarinchinesisch Verwünschungen zu. Andere Langnasen, die sich hier niedergelassen haben, sind mit Vorsicht zu genießen, ob des Smogs und der vielen Sojasauce jeden Tag wunderlich geworden (es gibt eine Theorie unter Taiwanausländern, dass man in einer fremden Kultur ohne Feedback wunderlich wird) und ... mittlerweile gehe ich ihnen auch aus den Weg oder gucke in die Ferne, wenn ich an einem vorbeilaufe. In der englischen Version oben sind die Peinlichkeiten noch etwas detaillierter beschrieben.
Bob aus Witchita, Hank aus Pittsburgh und Steve aus Oklahoma mit ihren Persönlichkeitsstörungen sollen mir gestohlen bleiben... brrrr. Andererseits denkt sich jetzt bestimmt so mancher Neuankömmling, den ICH krampfhaft ignoriere "wieder einer von diesen komischen Langzeitausländern hier".
Mein russischer Kollege, den die Firma eingestellt hat, ging mir auf die Nerven, indem er mir ständig hinterher lief, "Stalking" war das schon. Und er redete so schrecklich viel... Jetzt vermeide ich auch ihn.
Ist er wirklich so schlimm, oder bin ich mittlerweile wie der Nordpolforscher, der einmal alle drei Monate Besuch vom Versorgungsflugzeug bekommt und sich dann beschwert, dass man ihm laufend die Bude einrennen würde...... Grübel.
Wenn er nur nicht immer die selben 3 Fragen stellen würde, der Herr Kollegowska (wie lange in Taiwan, wie lange in der Firma, wo ich wohne). Naja, er ist vom Vertrieb, die reden nur und hören nicht zu.
Mich hat er jedenfalls schon vertrieben ...

P.S: beim Durchsehen alter Fotos fiel mir die Bock-Bratwurst auf, die ich mal in Taipei im Ausländersupermarkt JASON'S gekauft habe. Sie schmeckte hervorragend, aber... ich dachte damals nur, dass das "Bratwurst" falsch geschrieben sei. Aber... da steht BARK-WURST, zu Deutsch also BELL-WURST. Keuch, was für eine Wurst war das denn jetzt ????