German below, Deutsch unten !!!
The case about the dead German, who was found in the streets of Taipei
is foar from over yet, but I feel like this affair is getting too much for me. It is not the recent links to the Greman folk music scene, which was discovered lately (wooooooaaaa, that alone sends shivers down my spine), it is also the link to the presidential family of Taiwan, no, it is the involvement of a certain individual, whose interaction with the dead German make him a primary suspect in the case. What is too much is too much. Combined with the list of Passado-Fake-Accounts, which had been given to me by Inspector Shau Miau out of the posessions of the victim, this is getting ugly, messy and dangerous. See the photos for yourself.
Long, I was brooding over it, if I shall post them or not ...
But I guess the public has a right to be informed, so here they are.
Brace yourself!

Oh my God, could it be .... could it be ....
The killer, here depicted in unnatural acts with the victim, may actually be...
OMG, ....

It is JACK THE FLIPPER himself....
I am bailing out of this, no more investigations by Ludigel's Formosablog. I am outta here .. seriously. What's that noise.... oh oh ...
GERMAN, Deutsch:
Hiel splicht Inspektor Shiau Miau. Wil wissen nicht, ob del beluechtigte Killer "Jack the Flippel" wiedel zugeschlagen hat und ob gal unsel Lepoltel vom Folmosablog sein Opfer gewolden ist. Machen sie sich keine Solgen, ich bleibe fulchtlos am Ball, welde den Fall klaelen.
Inspector Shiau Miau,
Deptaltment of Climinal Longnose Investigations
Taipei Centlal Police
P.S.: ach ne, geht nicht. Bin diese Woche dlan, die Betelnussbuden abzukassielen....
is foar from over yet, but I feel like this affair is getting too much for me. It is not the recent links to the Greman folk music scene, which was discovered lately (wooooooaaaa, that alone sends shivers down my spine), it is also the link to the presidential family of Taiwan, no, it is the involvement of a certain individual, whose interaction with the dead German make him a primary suspect in the case. What is too much is too much. Combined with the list of Passado-Fake-Accounts, which had been given to me by Inspector Shau Miau out of the posessions of the victim, this is getting ugly, messy and dangerous. See the photos for yourself.
Long, I was brooding over it, if I shall post them or not ...
But I guess the public has a right to be informed, so here they are.
Brace yourself!

Oh my God, could it be .... could it be ....
The killer, here depicted in unnatural acts with the victim, may actually be...
OMG, ....

It is JACK THE FLIPPER himself....
I am bailing out of this, no more investigations by Ludigel's Formosablog. I am outta here .. seriously. What's that noise.... oh oh ...
GERMAN, Deutsch:
Hiel splicht Inspektor Shiau Miau. Wil wissen nicht, ob del beluechtigte Killer "Jack the Flippel" wiedel zugeschlagen hat und ob gal unsel Lepoltel vom Folmosablog sein Opfer gewolden ist. Machen sie sich keine Solgen, ich bleibe fulchtlos am Ball, welde den Fall klaelen.
Inspector Shiau Miau,
Deptaltment of Climinal Longnose Investigations
Taipei Centlal Police
P.S.: ach ne, geht nicht. Bin diese Woche dlan, die Betelnussbuden abzukassielen....
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