.... hey.... stopp it, you make me all nervous!

This article is simply about MY new shoes (he he he)...

... because I have to tell the world how truely amazing these shoes of brand "ASO" truely are. Their regular price is 4000 Taiwandollars or so, which would be 100 Euro, but if you buy three pairs you get them for 360 Taiwandollars in a special offer, that's less than 10 Euro. They are made in Taiwan and truely amazing. I had brought a whole load of cheap German shoes to Taiwan as I normally don't get my size 11 (or a broad 10) here (that's 45 or 46 in German shoe size), but if you order such boats a few weeks in advance you can get them here in Taiwan at ASO outlets. As my two dogs are pulling the leash like maniacs my right heel is huring and so I could not use the cheap shoes from home anymore. Taiwan now makes it possible to have some real expensive shoes, literally by the dozend (I am going to buy lots) and walking on their 5-layer foot bed is a dream. I never want other shoes anymore, ASO forever. ASO is one of Taiwan's two noble brands regarding shoes, the other one is LA NEW (funny name, I know).
MADE IN TAIWAN nowadays stands for quality, got that? And the very-well-made-in-Taiwan ladies on the pics above (all but the orange skirts are by me, the skirts are from old days company server again) could use the new size 11 shoes I have ordered as life boats for the next Taifun rain...
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taiwan stray dog rescue: stray-dogs.org
other pages:
homepage: teichert-online.de
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blog overview in categories: globalforeigner.com
taiwan stray dog rescue: stray-dogs.org
3 Kommentare:
Great Blog, made me chuckle, you should submit it to The Expat Directory: http://www.theexpatdirectory.com/forms/add_site.php
Thanks. Good idea, have just filled in the form!
hmm... bookmarked thread )
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