Damned, they little Taiwanese boy had got me hard. Punched me in the face several times and knocked me off my feet. But then I brought him down with a series of real hard punches in the face. STOP! I am talking WII, the play console by Nintendo. You swing one or two controllers (when boxing one is for the left hand and one for the right hand) to simulate your hand movement. Best gaming results can be achieved when standing. So the good thing is, instead of sitting at the computer desk when playing and gaining weight and getting an arched back, this game really helps you to exercise. My nephew and I ended up jumping up and down and we were really getting sweaty (yuck) and all worked-out as in a real sport exercise.
Then my wife took over and she was really beating the crap out of me. Gosh. Though she didn't understand she is not supposed to really hit ME, but rather the computer-generated little man on the screen representing me (the screen is divided to show my and her perspective in the boxing arena).
I am looking forward to playing again this weekend. My little nephew has developed a new leaning-left and leaning-right technique, my wife told me. Guess I am in for a double-beating this weekend.
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