homepage teichert-online.de( ) , Formosablog(X), Techblog( )
Taiwan might have 38 000 confirmed cases of swine flu, but has not prepared itself to stock large amounts of the drug Tamilflu (LINK<----click left hand side left). Well, I am surprised the number of infected is so large, not surprised the government is sleeping once again.
The inefficient Ma administration does not really do well in a crisis, as the Typhoon relief has shown. Hope this is not getting really worse....

Gimme a bowl of that pork stew thingy, I wanne be prepared for the swine flu!
Solly, we only have crushed street dog.
Only kidding. Hihihi...
Strange: this interactive map (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8083179.stm) is giving the number of swine flu infections in Taiwan with 1280. That is quite a difference. Taiwan is sometimes chaotic, sometimes efficient. Hope they tune in in time...
2 Kommentare:
Lass Dich bloß nicht mit dem Serum impfen, wenns denn mal irgendwann auf dem Markt ist. Soll nicht wirklich risikolos sein, sich damit impfen zu lassen.
Genau, siehe die Zombiegeschichte!
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