Cute Taiwanese kids. Grandma and fate have decided for them to become computer geeks, not bullies...
Actually she is right. Taiwan's street are much more safe, if you see a tattooed big guy he is just a truck driver thinking about where to deliver aunty Lu's bathroom tiles. In Germany, I saw many muscular young man, walking with a swagger, being intoxicated and seemingly looking for a fight, judging from their body language. A group of Swiss(!) school students has recently beaten up several people on the streets of Munich in Germany, just out of fun because they were on a school trip; to the point of endangering the life of one victim. The Swiss guys were only sixteen and I was thinking of my school days when the Swiss students I met were wearing straw hats, being mostly girls and telling me how much better Swiss people are compared to Germans. Yeah, dudes and dudettes, you were, you were...
Don't get me wrong, this not against Swiss people. I have recently been there and it is a great country. Switzerland and Germany and France and other Western nations have the problem of juvenile violence and it strikes me to what extend that is different from Taiwan, where young people look like as if they came right out of a bible lesson (even though that would be a Buddhist scroll here or whatever). There is hardly any destruction of public property on the streets besides Uncle Lu driving home drunk and hitting the bus stop. The difference will be parents having a much stricter hand towards their kids, to the point of beating them into submission and controlling virtually all of their sparetime, as I have seem by myself within the family.
Which is better? Freedom and no spanking for the kids and then some turn out to be druggies or violent?
Or having those Taiwanese youngsters who seem all so strangely alike to us Westerners to the point of us calling the locals "the Borg" [derived from Star Trek; meaning they have no individuality]?
Don't know. But I be sure to take taxi or car when I'm going back to Germany and will avoid walking the streets at night. Damned, probably you should spank these tatooed asshats while they are still small...
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