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Mittwoch, November 28, 2007
Cold in Taiwan
In November it gets quite cold in Taiwan. Although even December or January temperature almost never falls below 10 degrees Celsius, this feels very cold in an average Taiwan apartment, because they have these slide windows, which are not totally proof and they have NO HEATING at home. So I found myself freezing at 10 degrees on my sofa in living room with a cold wind rushing through. Thank goodness we moved into a new house now with wind tight windows and we even have an air condition, which can be run in reverse mode to blow the warm air into the room. But as this costs a lot of power, I don't use it so often. Using air condition against summer heat is much more socially acceptable in Taiwan than to "waste" power for fighting the cold. And my wife is Taiwanese...
The Taiwan branch of a German heater manufacturer had, without any approval from their German head quarter (they didn't even know about it) posted the following Hitler heating add in Taipei in 1999, which I have censored here not to make trouble to the company. They were totally embarrassed when they learned about this ad and made their Taiwan branch take it off the streets again. The text says "fight the cold front" or something like that.
Dammit, they even had their company name on his arm binder (or however you call that in English) instead of the swastica. BTW, this is the first post where I cannot be sure if i can post it in my German blog without trouble, as depictions of Hitler often make lawyers and the DA rush in in Germany.
We should pay back and have an ad with Chiang Kai Shek for hair growth meds I guess. Although the Green Party here would like that...
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3 Kommentare:
Das Unverständnis der Deutschen für Asien ist allerdings noch viel schlimmer, da perfider und immer von einer gewissen Überheblichkeit geprägt. In Deutschland denkt man immer, man wüsste Bescheid, und kein anderes Land könnte einem je etwas voraus haben (liest man in deinem Blog auch immer mit). Wenn die Taiwanesen Hitler "verniedlichen", so tun sie das nicht aus einer Borniertheit heraus.
Nun, wie gesagt:
"Nun, etwas Verständnis muss man haben für die Unwissenheit, denn für Taiwanesen ist Europa weit weg und sie interessieren sich meist nicht für europäische Geschichte, auch nicht die jüngste. Und Europäer wissen meist auch nicht um die japanischen Massaker in China, wie das Nanking-Massaker, bei dem 200 000 Zivilisten von jap. Soldaten abgeschlachten worden sind."
In der Tat werfen Deutsche immer Taiwan mit Thailand in einen Topf und denken in Taipei stehen Strichmaedchen an der Strasse, Kinderprostituierte ueberall rum und alle malochen in billigen Plastikfabriken. Da weiss der Deutsche sicher wenig von der Wirklichkeit.
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